Why use consultants when setting up your RTO?

You know, since I been a consultant I have spoken to many RTO’s who had similar experiences….

“It took us 12 months to sort through what was required…”

“We could have done with your kit eighteen months ago! Instead I have spent countless hours fumbling my way around the VET sector, relying on the spirit of cooperation from Government departments….say no more.”

Seriously these experiences are real and I don’t want you to be one of them.

You are setting up the RTO so you can have quality of life and probably provide training your way, you don’t need any additional headaches.

A good consultant can provide expertise on the Australian Quality Training Framework cutting our hours of your research time.

They also are experts at reviewing your situation objectively, being able to identify and implement the solution to the problem more quickly and efficiently than you or your staff.

The trick is knowing what types of problems warrant a consultant’s services. Here are basic guidelines:
• When you need an objective point of view. When you are very close to a situation, there is often a tendency to favour a predetermined – rather than creative – solution

• When the problem or situation is short-term, such as public relations around a special event like an audit due.

• When the problem requires special expertise, such as knowing how to buy a computer system, manage accounting or address legal issues.

• When your organisation’s financial situation is not favourable toward hiring permanent staff with all the consequential financial obligations.

• When your agency is facing a major crisis, or when it seems to be operating in a crisis-management mode.

• If your situation fits into any or all of these categories, a consultant’s services are probably a worthwhile investment.

When selecting one what do I need to ask?
• Does the consultant have expertise and experience consulting on the AQTF?
• Does the consultant have qualifications relevant to the vocational education and training (VET) sector?
• Can the consultant provide references of work previously undertaken in the VET sector?
• Do they have knowledge of training packages, and learning and assessment strategies?

You might also include in the above list:
• Are they personable? (after all you do need to get along with them if they are doing face to face work with you).

Well let me tell you about me….

My experience is actually in Managing and setting up RTO’s as well as being a trainer and assessor. So I not only have the qualifications (Diploma in TAA), I also have the experience.
I’ve many years of experience managing RTO’s, trainers and assessors and writing training and assessment material.
The tools or service I can offer have been collated and provided to you from this experience… but more importantly, it is chock a block full of great value for money, providing you with the materials to reap the rewards from the secrets of my experience.

Consider this…
• If you want to know how to quickly and easily set up your RTO…
• If you want to shortcut your journey and get spoon-fed all the information to set up the systems…
• If the idea of turning your training interests into income…
… then get excited! You’re closer to reaching the above goals than you ever imagined.
Because I have the tools to help you right now!
See what one of my clients had to say…

“My first impressions of Merinda were of a warm, generous, intelligent and highly competent professional. In our venture together to date she has only increased her value in my estimation, delivering high quality professional advice, mentoring, follow up service and documents within the scheduled time frame. I have no hesitation in recommending her services. “
Jan McMillan PhD

The point is I have managed RTO’s and I know what the auditors are looking for and what makes an easy system to work with. before you do anything log in to get my free report to assist you with your process.

The tools might not be for everyone, if you want me to do it all for you, then you need to talk to me directly and stop reading this blog.

1 thought on “Why use consultants when setting up your RTO?”

  1. Pls contact me ,I am planning to set up my own RTO. I would like discuss terms and conditions before I move further. Thanks

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