Is Your RTO outdated?

Isn’t it funny that almost everything in our lives, sooner or later, needs some kind of UPGRADE?

If it isn’t our Training Packages, it is our qualifications, RTO status or even us!

..and if you venture to look around you…

… it’s your car, your computer, landline phone, your mobile phone, your ipad, or perhaps even your home furniture… all of it, at some point or another WILL require an upgrade.

Now we look at the new Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 and everything has to be upgraded again.

We live our lives in constant upgrade; don’t; you agree?

So this isn’t a rant on ASQA or any government department or anyone else connected making changes in our VET environment. I believe it is for the better, brighter future. To improve the VET landscape and allow us to grow.

This is about something much bigger, more significant, and perfectly acceptable…

It’s about…

Australia needing a skilled and flexible workforce. A workforce that can adapt to rapid technological changes, and keep abreast of everything that needs to be upgraded. To have workplaces that are responsive and can maintain and improve our economic position in the face of increasing global competition.

For some keeping abreast of the changes is easy, and for others it could be alarming. The Standards are out now, and you need to commence the changes within your RTO. Start at your policies and procedures. Then move to your Training and assessment strategies and practices.

Set yourself small tasks to be competed each day. That way you can reward yourself for success. Don’t wait till the auditor comes knocking.   Start today.for pictures

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