Benefits of becoming an RTO

You obviously feel passionate about your industry subject matter. The steps to developing your RTO extremely important. The business development process becomes an integral part of business, it also becomes an integral part of the communication between the participants.

The quality of Australian Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) is recognised around the world. If you were not sure if it is the right way to go in your business, let me tell you it is. RTO’s are providers of nationally recognised training having met quality assured national standards.

Only RTOs can:

  • Deliver, assess and issue nationally recognised qualifications.
  • Be eligible to apply for State and Commonwealth Government funding
  • Use the nationally recognised training logo on all qualifications and statements of attainments issued
  • Be approved to provide courses to overseas students studying in Australia. 
  • Recognise the qualifications issued by all other RTOs.
  • Be listed on a national register of authorised organisations allowing potential clients and partners to view your services
RTO Compliance Tips from Merinda – RTO Mentor

Management benefits

When you set up your own RTO, you have the control. Having said that, the CEOs and other executives need to ensure compliance under the Standards, including the provision of accurate marketing and advertising information (Standard 4) and quality assurance (Standard 2).

Success factors

If you are not convinced

No RTO business is identical to another, yet there are key success factors that will be likely to impact your RTO’s performance.

It is important you take your time to consider all options. If you’re not sure whether an RTO is the right fit for you, then asking yourself these 9 questions may help.

  • What do I wish to train?
  • What sort of RTO do I wish to have?
  • What will the training program be like?
  • Who will I attract to my courses?
  • Will your courses address current industry demand?
  • Will any part of the training be online, face to face or blended?
  • Does this meet the market’s needs?
  • Do you currently have access to training and assessment staff?
  • Are they suitably qualified, vocationally competent and do they have current knowledge and skills about the courses you intend to deliver?

In addition to the above accessing government funding for courses can also guide your business plan and strategy, and maximise your chances of your RTO success.

Thoughts from a client.

Ever considered an online course to set-up your RTO?

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